JUNE 6, 6:00 p.m
Location: Great Hall
🎭 Bucharest Romanian Playwrights Theatre
Duration of the show: 1 hour 10 minutes
a performance by Florin Piersic Jr
with: Marius Bodochi, Florin Piersic Jr
A light comedy, with two "heavies" of the Romanian scene.
"First you don't realize who is Tzuki and who is Tati. Then, from an address formula slipped in at one point, you find out that Tati is the older character, so it becomes clear who Tzuki is, the name tacitly indicating the relationships between their sympathetic owners. You are thinking of a parental relationship, especially since the Mother also appears as an absent character in the discussion, but the following lines contradict you. The surprises continue, maintain suspense and curiosity, tease them as much and as necessary to keep you on the receptive side. There is talk of officiating a marriage (the elegant outfits of the protagonists also mention it nonverbally, there is also a question related to wedding rings slipped into the conversation), but the writing still does not clearly show who is getting married. An intentional dilemma that becomes the stakes element of the theatrical conflict. The central line of the narrative (Piersic Jr. knows how to tell a comic story, seasoning it with clever puns) has secondary tributaries that feed it and make it frothy." – Oltița Cîntec
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