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Slava's wife, Renata, dies. After a while, he finds his wife's e-mails, from which it emerges that, for years, Renata had cheated on him, thus invalidating his paternity. As much as it pains him, he understands that he has no right to blame Renata, because he has also had a mistress for about four years. Still thinking about the nature of lying, Slava decides to stop lying, to tell only the truth. And this decision brings him new suffering: he becomes rude and uncomfortable for the rest of the world.

Glory: Ion GROSU
Alla: HARITON Twig
Dima: Karl BAKER
Boris: Sorin COCIȘ
A girl: Diana ROMAN
Maksim: Iulian Mihai CRISTEA

Director: Alexandru MÂZGĂREANU
Scenography: Rodica DER
Musical illustration: Alexandru SUCIU

Tickets are on sale at the Theater Ticket Agency Tuesday to Friday between 10:00 and 19:00, again in weekend between 10:00-13:00. You can buy tickets an hour before the show or online on For additional information and ticket reservations, we invite you to call the phone number: 0259/440.742.

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