The show starts from a broad framework of club offerings that promise pleasures and rediscovery of sexuality. Through searches in one's own stories and desires, the show touches, in a complex and personal way, the different forms of contemporary love. Where and how do we find peace in the concepts of "single" or "open"? How do we come to exorcise our desire for tenderness and how do we relate to "great love" today? What are the current ways to rekindle passion in long-lasting couples? Are there still perfect couples today?
The team of the OPEN show set out from the beginning to talk to the public about any type of practice that can bring fulfillment to some and create repulsion for others. The show addresses the topic of sexuality, putting modesty in parentheses, and questions the extent to which society and family install patterns in each of us that we can hardly break away from.
With: George Albert Costea
Directed by: Leta Popescu
Playwright: Ana Cucu Popescu
Sound design: Mihai Moș
Video: ousia
Technician: Attila Almási
Producer: Reciprocă Association in partnership with the Brush Factory Federation and the GroundFloor Group Association
Show not recommended for young people under 16!
Tickets are on sale at the Theater Ticket Agency Tuesday to Friday between 10:00 and 19:00, again in weekend between 10:00-13:00. You can buy tickets an hour before the show or online on For additional information and ticket reservations, we invite you to call the phone number: 0259/440.742.
We are waiting for you at the theater!
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