The play Arms and the Man was written by Bernard Shaw when he was 38 years old and was first performed in 1894 in London. Success was not long in coming even from the premiere, and the opinion of Shaw as one of the most intelligent dramatists in London was unanimous. Four years later it will be published in the collection called Pleasant Pieces. Although it was no longer performed in Romania, it remained one of the most popular and most frequently staged comedies in the world.
It's a play that talks about the division of Europe, about nationalism and xenophobia, about the illusion of peace, but also about the illusion of love to beautify reality; in other words, it makes you feel the difference between real love and love on stage, like at the opera. Although Shaw's play was written a century ago, the theme is still relevant.
"Shaw looks with humor at the hypocrisies of human nature, which, we find with him, have remained, until the 21st century, unchanged. The author invites us to heal ourselves through laughter from the illusions of that false patriotism, as well as from the absurdity of our intentions and actions. It is a play that George Orwell admired also for the fact that it had not lost its topicality over time, its moral - that war is not a sublime romantic adventure, still deserving of being repeated. "
Andrei Sherban
With: Sabrina Iaşchevici/ Nicoleta Lefter, Irina Mazanitis/ Antoaneta Zaharia, Alina Berzunțeanu/ Ana Bianca Popescu, Alexandru Papadopol/ Gabriel Pintilei, Marius Damian/ Cezar Antal, Gelu Niţu/ Constantin Cojocaru, Conrad Merricofer/ Cătălin Babliuc, Dimitrii Bogomaz
Director – Andrei Şerban
The scenography – Anka Lupes
Sound track: fragments from Ernani by Verdi
Tickets are on sale at the Theater Ticket Agency Tuesday to Friday between 10:00 and 19:00, again in weekend between 10:00-13:00. You can buy tickets an hour before the show or online on For additional information and ticket reservations, we invite you to call the phone number: 0259/440.742.
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