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The 6th edition of the Oradea International Theater Festival has come to an end. One of the most anticipated moments of the festival is the awarding of the Short Theater Festival awards - the competition section, which is in its XXIV edition.

The selection of the SHORT THEATER FESTIVAL was made this year by Victoria Balint - head of the cultural projects and public relations office at the Regina Maria Theatre. The following shows entered the competition:

  1. DARK MINE – Szigligeti Theatre, Oradea
  2. A LESSON IN GOOD MANNERS – State Jewish Theatre, Bucharest
  3. SPRAYING – Apollo 111 Theatre, Bucharest
  4. THE GOD OF BUTCHER - "Mihai Eminescu" Theater, Botoșani
  5. THE BEAUTY QUEEN FROM LEENANE - "Jean Bart" Theatre, Tulcea
  6. GARDENIA – Odeon Theatre, Bucharest
  7. THE AMAZING LONELY NUMBERS OF EDWARD GANT - "Fani Tardini" Theater, Galaţi
  8. TRATUFFE – Theater "Maria Filotti", Brăila
  9. IN THE HEART OF THE NIGHT – THE MACBETH EPISODE – Regina Maria Theater, Oradea
  11. FATHER - Classical Theater "Ioan Slavici", Arad
  12. BISON'S HEAD – Târgu Mureș National Theater – “Liviu Rebreanu” Company
  13. DEAR TEACHER – Baia Mare Municipal Theatre

This year two juries analyzed and awarded prizes: a jury made up of four students from prestigious theater faculties in the country, of which I am a part ELENA-ANTOANETA RĂCHITAN, from the National University of Theater and Cinematography "IL Caragiale", Bucharest, majoring in THEATEROLOGY, IRINA SABĂU-BĂLAN, from the Faculty of Theater and Television, Cluj-Napoca, specializing in THEATROLOGY, TUDOR NONE, from the Faculty of Theater and Television, Cluj-Napoca, specializing in THEATEROLOGY and Vlad Hanes, from the Faculty of Theater - Târgu Mureș University of Arts, majoring in ACTING and the jury consisting of five great personalities from the theater world, which included theater critics ION PARHON, ELIZABETH POP and the actors CRISTIAN SOFRON, THEODORE CORBAN and RICHARD BALINT.

The student jury awarded the following prizes:

  • The award for the best show, which belongs to the performance "PULVERIZARE", from the APOLLO 111 Theater in Bucharest
  • The award for best director, which goes to Mr. Zoltan Balazs, for the show "GARDENIA", from the Odeon Theater in Bucharest.
  • The award for best scenography, which goes to Mrs. Roxana Ionescu for the performance "IN THE HEART OF THE NIGHT - THE MACBETH EPISODE" at the Regina Maria Theater in Oradea.
  • The award for best actress, which goes to Mrs. Irina Naum, for the role Maureen Folan from the show "THE BEAUTY QUEEN FROM LEENANE", from the "Jean Bart" Theater in Tulcea.
  • The award for the best actor, which goes to Mr. Ovidiu Ghiniță, for the role of Andre, from the show "FATHER", from the Classical Theater "Ioan Slavici" in Arad.

The jury of the Short Theater Festival decided to award the following prizes:

1. The award for the best actress:


  • Liliana Ghita - who plays the role of Mag Folan in the show "Beauty Queen from Leenane" - "Jean Bart" Theater, Tulcea
  • Irina Naum - who plays the role of Maureen Folan in the show "Beauty Queen of Leenane" - "Jean Bart" Theater, Tulcea
  • Inna Andriuca - who plays the role of Elena Sergheevna in the show "Dear Teacher" - Baia Mare Municipal Theater

The award for the best actress goes to:
IRINA NAUM for the role of Maureen Folan in the show "The Beauty Queen of Leenane"
Prize offered by Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau.

2. Best Actor Award:


  • Ovidiu Ghinita – who plays the role of Andre in the show FATHER - Classical Theater "Ioan Slavici", Arad
  • Ex aequo – Nicu Mihoc and Dan Radulescu who interprets the roles of Don and Teach in the show "Capul de bizon" - Târgu Mureș National Theater - Liviu Rebreanu Company
  • Ex aequo – Emilian Oprea and Valentin Terente who interprets the roles of Tartuffe and Orgon in the performance "Tartuffe - Theater "Maria Filotti", Brăila

The prize for whatit better acthours is granted to Mr.:
OVIDIU GHINIŢĂ for the role of Andre in the show "FATHER".
Prize offered by Rotary Club Oradea.

3. The award for the best scenography:


  • Vlad Cristache - for the scenography of the show "Beauty Queen of Leenane" - "Jean Bart" Theater, Tulcea
  • Tudor Prodan - for the scenography of the show "Father" - Classical Theater "Ioan Slavici", Arad
  • Constantin Ciubotariu (set) and Andrada Chiriac (costumes) - for the scenography of the show "Gardenia", from the Odeon Theatre, Bucharest

The award for the best scenography goes to:
Constantin Ciubotariu (set) and Andradei Chiriac (costumes) for the scenography of the show "Gardenia", from the Odeon Theatre, Bucharest
Prize offered by D&C Oradea.

4. Best Director Award:


  • Andrei Măjeri for directing the show "Pulverizare"
  • Zoltan Balazs for directing the show "Gardenia"
  • Vlad Cristache for directing the show "Beauty Queen of Leenane"

The prize for the best direction is awarded ex aequo to the gentlemen:
ANDREI MAJERI for directing the show "Pulverizare" and ZOLTAN BALAZS for directing the show "Gardenia".
The prize offered by HOLCIM Oradea.

5. Best Show Award:


  • "GARDEN", from the Odeon Theater in Bucharest
  • "THE BEAUTY QUEEN OF LEENANE", from the "Jean Bart" Theater in Tulcea
  • "SPRAYING", from the Apollo 111 Theater in Bucharest

Award back to the show:
"THE BEAUTY QUEEN FROM LEENANE", from the "Jean Bart" Theater in Tulcea.
Prize provided by RAIFFEISEN BANK.

The jury also decided to award two special prizes:

SPECIAL JURY PRIZE - awarded to actress MAIA MORGENSTERN for the exceptional recital "A LESSON IN GOOD MANNERS", from the State Jewish Theatre, directed by Alexandru Berceanu. The prize is offered by the Queen Maria Theatre.

THE JURY PRIZE - which is awarded to the Queen Maria Theater for the show "IN THE HEART OF THE NIGHT - THE MACBETH EPISODE" - the third and last of the project that lasted three seasons - for the cultural and artistic breadth and professional devotion of all its creators.

Also, another very special prize that was awarded this year during the festival is the "ORĂDEAN SPECTATOR AWARD", for the show "Heat in November", by Yana Dobreva, directed by Petru Vutcărău, from the "Eugen Ionesco" National Theater in Chisinau , offered by ITM SA Oradea – High security metal doors.

The management of the Regina Maria Theater also awarded the prize to the "People behind the scenes", those who make possible from a technical point of view all the magic we enjoy at every show. We thank them and bow!

The Oradea International Theater Festival is organized by the Regina Maria Theater, in partnership with the Bihor County Council, the Oradea City Hall, the FITO Cultural Foundation and UNITER.

Thank you to everyone who was with us: official sponsor Raiffeisen Bank, official partner Holcim, sponsors Rotary Club Oradea, Rotary Club Oradea Art Nouveau, D&C, Mic Mobilier Trans, Lions Club, A'la Chef Catering, SC Congips, Farmacia 3 , partners: Green Pub, National Center for Information and Tourist Promotion Bihor, Humanitas Bookstores, Familia Magazine, Museum of the Country of Crișurilor, Flavors Confectionery, Casa Florilor, Hotels: Astoria, Continental, Atrium, Stokker, Perla, Vila Opera, Vital, Nevis, Varadia Gala and guesthouses and all media partners: Zile si Nopți Magazine, Cotidianul Crisana, Jurnalul Bihorean, Bihoreanul, Bihorștiri, Digi TV, Evenimente Oradea, Agerpres, Yorick Magazine, Radio Romania Cultural, Radio Romania Cluj, Ghid Local, Magic FM, Aleșd Online, InfoOradea, UZP Bihor and Party Oradea.

We thank all the spectators for always being with us and we hope to meet again at as many editions of the Oradea International Theater Festival as possible!

theater oradea 16 2023


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