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Mare and Mic are two Frenchmen who do not have many professional prospects and decide to create homemade bombs in pressure cookers. Their initiative, apparently without much chance of success, turns into a real business as the experiments bear fruit and they are joined by some promising partners. He creates relations with the Islamic world and benefits from the tacit support of the French authorities. In order to camouflage the illegal laboratory for creating bombs, he sets up a shop for the sale of gas masks in front of the factory, which becomes, paradoxically and absolutely ironically, the main supplier of the Ministry of Health. Describing this den of great banditry, "Baraca" sheds light, with a crushing humor, on one of the biggest problems of today's society: terrorist attacks enhanced by the compromises of politicians, the duplicity of the big markets, the behind-the-scenes games and the sleaze of some people who let themselves be seduced by the power of money.


Big - Alexander Rusu
Little - Pavel Sirghi
Virginia – Alina Leonte
Bosco – Ciprian Ciuciu
Chinese' – George Dometi
Marwani – Sorin Ionescu

Direction and scenography: Tudor Lucanu
Translation: Stefana Pop-Curseu

*The text "Baraca" was created in the context of the TERRORisms project, organized by the "Union of Theaters in Europe" and financed by the Creative Europe Program.

**Show not recommended for people under 16!

Tickets are on sale at the Theater Ticket Agency Tuesday to Friday between 10:00 and 19:00, again in weekend between 10:00-13:00. You can buy tickets an hour before the show or online on For additional information and ticket reservations, we invite you to call the phone number: 0259/440.742.

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