Mobile Stage located in Ferdinand I Square
Author: Yannis Margaritis after Aristophanes
Translator: Alexandru Miran, Livia Buzoianu
Direction: Yannis Margaritis
Scenography: Carmencita Brojboiu
Scenography Assistant: Lăcrămioara Dumitraşcu
Choreography: Eddie Lame
The music: Dimitris Iconomakis
Duration of the show: 2h 30min
Distribution: Mirela Pană, Nina Udrescu, Luiza Martinescu, Alina Manțu, Maria Lupu, Laura Iordan Adrian, Georgiana Mazilescu, Cristina Oprean, Florina Stănculeț, Liliana Cazan, Georgiana Rusu, Oana Cercel, Diana Vieriu, Iulia Mihalcea, Liviu Manolache, Dan Cojocaru, Adrian Dumitrescu, Mihai Sorin Vasilescu, Iulian Enache, Nicodim Ungureanu, Marian Adochiței, Cosmin Mihale, Andrei Cantaragiu, Florentin Roman, Ionut Rusu, Alexandru Iacov, Alexandru Medveghi, Remus Archip
The show "Eutopia" is a collage of five plays by Aristophanes, some of which have now been translated for the first time in Romania. The three pieces that make up the substance are "Acarnienii", "Lysistrata" and "Plutos", some monologues being also from "Pace" and "Women's Gathering". Aristophanes (446 – 386 BC), nicknamed "the father of comedy" or "the prince of ancient comedy" was feared for his ability to ridicule his contemporaries, many of his plays were considered slanderous, and some were avoided by theaters, until nowadays, for the slightly licentious character. The show "Eutopia" is an interactive one, on several occasions the spectators are invited to vote alongside the characters. Also, the numerous choral moments make "Eutopia" almost a musical.
"Eutopia" is a five-piece collage of Aristophanes, some of which have been translated for the first time in Romania. The three pieces that make up the substance are "The Acharnians", "Lysistrata" and "Plutus", some monologues being also from "Peace" and "The Assemblywomen". Aristophanes (446-386 BV), dubbed the "comedian's father" or "the prince of ancient comedy", was feared for being able to ridicule his contemporaries, many of his plays were considered slanderous, and some were avoided by theaters nowadays, for its slightly licensed character. The show "Eutopia" is an interactive one, on several occasions the audience is invited to vote alongside the characters. Also, the many choral moments make "Eutopia" almost a musical.
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