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Arcadia Hall

Author: Sam Shepard
Translator: Toma Dănilă and Ania Tudoran
Direction: Toma Danilă

Duration of the show: 1 hour 20 minutes

Constantin Cojocaru
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"Ages of the Moon" is about old age, death, the ambiguity of memory and the hope that love can ease the inevitable approach to the final eclipse. The two men, Byron and Ames, childhood friends, find themselves after a very long time. However, the meeting is marked by misunderstanding and the difficulty of getting closer.. They are spiritual and literary sons of Vladmir and Estragon from "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett, an author who greatly influenced the work of Sam Shepard. It is an honest and heartbreaking continuation of the themes that have always been present in the works of one of the most important American playwrights, focused here on the light and shadow that accompany the passage of time.

 "Ages of the Moon", written in 2009, is one of the last plays of Sam Shepard (1943-2017), one of the greatest contemporary American playwrights, winner of the Pulitzer Prize. It was staged at the Peacock Theater, Dublin, Ireland with the famous actors Stephen Fry and Sean McGinley and then in New York, Off Broadway, in 2010, with the same cast. It is translated and edited for the first time in Romania.

*Show not recommended for people under 14!

"Ages of the Moon" speaks of old age, death, ambiguity of memory and hope that love can ease the inevitable closeness of the final eclipse. The two men, Byron and Ames, friends from childhood, find themselves in a long time. The meeting is marked by misunderstanding and the difficulty of rapprochement. They are spiritual and literary sons of Vladimir and Estragon in "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Becket, author who has influenced major work by Sam Shepard. It is an honest and upsetting continuation of the themes that have always been present in the works of one of the most important American playwrights, focus here on the light and the shadow that accompanies the passage of time.

"The Ages of the Moon", written in 2009, is one of Sam Shepard's latest plays (1943-2017), one of America's greatest contemporary playwrights, the Pulitzer Prize winner. It was staged at the Peacock Theater, Dublin, Ireland with the famous actors Stephen Fry and Sean McGinley. Also it was staged in New York, Off Broadway, in 2010, with the same cast. It is transposed and assembled for the first time in Romania.

*The performance is not recommended under 14 years.


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